I recently purchased the Korg Volca Drum on a whim because one of my friends kept sending me updates about their hardware, which in turn made me suffer from ‘sudden knob-fiddling urge’. I ordered one and next thing I know, I’m already unpacking it.. what a cute little machine, and the build quality is amazing!

I already bought a Microkorg in December 2020 but hadn’t really used it because I was so overwhelmed with all of the options. This weekend I sat down, hooked everything up to my mixer, and started creating. It really helps to have a backing track when thinking of melodies; and how cool is it to have made it yourself?! I came up with a bunch of cool bits n bops over the weekend, AMAZING! This thing sparks SO much joy and creativeness, I don’t know how I’ve managed to live without it for so long.
It feels like using hardware unlocks a certain creative part of my brain, while I always thought I was more of a software gal because it’s easier and more versatile (that turns out to be false).
I bought a small mixer and a Gameboy because I wanted to travel light while performing, so I hope I won’t give in to myself and start buying more Volca’s, because they have a whole array of amazing machines (I’m already eyeing the Volca Keys and FM..)
What do you think of ‘the Volca’? Do you have any hardware you can’t live without?
~ pops