I have always loved playing guitar. I was gifted my first acoustic at a young age but never got past that amateur level because I kept playing on and off for many years. In 2011 I bought my first electric guitar (a Jordan Les Paul) and was over the moon. However, still stuck on that amateur level. Perhaps because the knock-off guitar was very heavy and didn’t sound right to me either.

Last year I decided to upgrade to a Fender Duo-Sonic because I fell in love with the sound, and it has a short scale which is perfect for my tiny hands! A couple of weeks ago, I was finally able to pick it up (after waiting half a year, which felt like 50 years).
Seafoam green looks so beautiful (even more so in real life) and it sounds so sparkly. It truly is a perfect guitar and because it doesn’t go out of tune all the time, I feel like practicing more. This is the year I will finally learn sweep picking, chords all over the neck and palm muting! (hopefully)
Wish me luck!